While not every milestone I needed to do for the expedition would require fishing. Most of them were. I was also now at a point where I had already finished the easy ones. It was now time to focus on what was remaining to finish the expedition.
One of the fishing spots I was led to ended up being a bit away from where you landed for the milestone. I was kind of shocked at how small this spot was. At least I did not need to go to the other side of the planet to find somewhere to go fishing and find the next message in a bottle I needed to progress the expedition along further.
While out there a nasty storm started on the planet. I ended up underestimating just how far away my ship was. By the time I decided I'd have to run for cover to my ship and return to the fishing spot. I realized I lacked enough environmental protection remaining.
I came to that realization about halfway to my ship. My only other option was to use my multi-tool to tunnel down into the ground for cover. I just so happened to hit the water table doing that. I ended up fishing for a while waiting for the storm to pass. I also found the message in a bottle that I was looking for.
Not everything you would reel up would be a fish or a bottle either. A few times I'd get things like old boots. Other times I'd find things like claims or seaweed. Then there were the moments I'd fish up rusted technology that was not worth the slot they took to install into my ship.
Rusted technology would give something like a 1% boost to different ship systems like combat. I did end up using a couple I looted early on till I needed their slots for far more powerful upgrades I could install.
Often, I'd have a milestone up that focused on me needing to find a certain kind of planet to get fish on. Overall, I just kept warping my ship towards to next secret fishing spot. This ended up working out quite well.
Usually, an expedition is set up so you are not having to go off the path. I have been in some in the past where I had to go way off course to track down a certain type of planet for whatever milestone it was.
I was not about to let that happen this time around. If I needed to catch fish on a higher-temperature planet or one that was covered in ice. I was not about to let such opportunities skip past me.
Funny enough trying to do some ice fishing in this game ended up being more challenging than I was expecting. I ended up landing on a few ice planets that were fully locked in ice. Not a single spot of water to drop a bobber into anywhere to go fishing.
Naturally, the game would end up taking me to one such planet I could go finish at. I even needed to build a skiff and deploy it. I would end up using that as a fishing platform for quite some time.
After a while, I'd have to jump into my ship to warm back up. This planet was quite chilly and the storms that it had were almost full whiteouts.
One big thing I ended up doing a lot was just landing my ship in the biggest ocean or lake I could find. I’d then stand on the wing of my ship and cast my rod off from there. This kept me out of danger from any creatures or sentinels that would want to hunt me down.
I wish I could say my entire expedition run was combat-free. At one point I ended up stranded in a system where I needed to get some fuel in. I ended up landing on a sentinel-aggressive planet.
I’m just glad I managed to fully mine all the resources I needed before the first wave of reinforcements showed up to put a stop to what I was doing. I then jumped into my ship and blasted into space. Where I took out a ship they sent after me before I warped to my freedom.
At one point during the expedition, I had some underwater milestones to work on. One of them was just swimming down to a certain depth. Another one was collecting a bunch of live pearls from shells. The final one was building an underwater base.
In the past, I've had to build one underwater base before. This one I did not set up in any way to be useful to me at all. I just did the bare minimum to finish off the milestone for it before going on my way.
While that certainly felt like a waste. It’s not like I wanted to spend time getting it energy or a portal so I could come back to it. There was zero use for me wanting to even have a base on whatever planet I found a deep enough ocean to set up a base in the first place.
I’m rather glad my ship was the perfect platform to fish from. I don’t know how many times I ended up fishing in rough seas wondering if the waves would ever get up to my ship. They never did so I always felt safe regardless of how violent of a storm I'd find myself in.
One of the milestones was even to catch a fish that could only be caught during a storm. I ended up doing quite a lot of fishing during storms without recalling that was one of the milestones.
I was then getting down to just a few remaining milestones to finish off the expedition. I got to needing to catch a fish in a storm and for a good hour almost in-game. I could not find a storm going on to save my life. I ended up going to a few different planets. I have never had the game be so storm-free when I needed a storm the most.
Some of the planets I'd go fishing on looked like paradise to me. Even better in my little draught of storms. This planet was mostly water with a few islands around the place. I could have spent hours there just looking at the tranquil water.
Final Thoughts
This ended up being quite an easy expedition to finish. Even better yet no community milestones to work on either. Just lots of fishing and not much else. All that was missing was some beer.
The biggest reward from this expedition at least for me was getting this special fishing rod. I have no idea if it has better luck finding higher-rarity fish. What I do know is it looks quite amazing over the starting rod.
I’m also willing to admit after having worn the suit skins you unlock from running this expedition for a little while. That this look is starting to grow on me. It’s a shame it did not come with some gloves. I might end up switching out what I was wearing in the screenshot with a different set I have. The jetpack skin is perhaps my favorite part of the set.
With this ends another expedition redux. There is one last one coming up. After that, I don’t know if No Man Sky plans to put out a new expedition or keep going with some old ones replaying as a redux. I also think I'll be needing a break soon but might have it in me for one more expedition.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about No Man’s Sky.
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