
dCity:: Minted Yet Another Tax Collector NFT Card - The Rarest Card in the GAME...

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Hey All,

This post is dedicated to the rarest card in the dCity game.. And one fact interesting fact about it is that I had the opportunity to sell 3 Tax Collector card for 100 #hive. Can you believe it? IF not then you can check my post on the same - dCity:: Sold Tax Collector NFT for 100 #hive.. Got me a decent PROFIT... and this was back in September 2024. And if I can recall correctly at that point in time there were only 8 Tax Collector NFT [Non Fungible Tokens] cards minted. Comes 2025 and right now the position is that there are only 85 Tax Collector Cards. Check the following image which I have captured from the game pulling the card number graph.

So you can imagine how rare this card is and quite obvious the price of it is also going to be hefty. Before we get any further, lets have a look at the Tax Collector Card and its stats which is as follows::


  • Income: -1
  • Population: 1
  • Popularity: -50
  • Education: 1
  • Decrease Tax by 0.2%

The beauty of the card lies on the factor that it helps reduce the tax by 0.2% and it even gets better due to its stacking feature. Meaning the Tax Collector card is stackable i.e. the more cards you have in the game the more tax one can save. In more simple words if you 5 such cards then it can save you 1% of tax and so forth. The next question would be quite obvious - how to mint the Tax Collector card? Yes I am getting there the mint process is also simple but then its random there is no guarantee that you will be eligible for a Tax Collector card when you pay off your Student(debt) tax which currently is 350 #sim per Student(debt) card. In the game we have the option where your Students NFT card may be trained into Students (debt) and the chance for training is based on time (older Student's card means a higher chance for training) and amount of University Campuses in city (increasing probability for training). By paying the debt the Student(debt) card will be upgraded to any of the following cards which is:: Scientists, Workers, Hard Workers, Homeless, Policemen, Soldiers, Eco Activists, Economists, Professors, Lawyers and Tax Collectors. As noted above the result of upgrading is random so its not in our control. Hence it is recommended to pay off your Students (debt) card and mint any of the above citizens and if you are lucky enough to receive "Tax Collector" card then it will help you to reduce your city tax rate by 0.2%.

I was lucky enough to mint yet another Tax Collector Card today and with that I now have 8 of these cards that giving me a huge tax benefit which means more #sim coming my way. Want to grab these Tax Collector cards then Yes you can do so. As of writing this article there are only 3 Tax Collector cards listed on the internal market. So grab them before they are also gone. Well this should be it for todays' post and to wrap things up, if you're someone who enjoys the art of building cities and wants to create a city according to your own vision, consider giving it a try to this amazing game #dcity, a try. It's not only entertaining to construct cities, but it also brings in income through various means. The most exciting aspect is that all the structures within the game are represented as NFTs, making you the proud owner of these NFTs, which can also be traded within the game's internal marketplace... cheers #sim to the mooon soon... :-)

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dCity:: Minted Yet Another Tax Collector NFT Card - The Rarest Card in the GAME...

Do you HODL SIM Vs SELL? Are you providing liquidity for SIM/HIVE pool - to get above 15% APR and other rewards #hive? What is your overall strategy looking like for your #dcity? Please let me know in the comment section below...cheers

Image Credits:: dcity, pro canva, nftmart, beeswap, hive-engine

Best Regards


PS:- None of the above is a FINANCIAL Advice. Please DYOR; Do your own research. I've an interest in Stocks, Blockchain & Cryptos and have been investing in many emerging projects..