
600 Stack Chem-Baron! Silco ⭐⭐⭐

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Hello my gamer frens, I hope you are all well and everything is fine. After a one day break I'm back with a new TFT game and today we are playing with a Hiver, @dangab will be joining me. We played 5-10 games with her and I have to admit that it's a lot of fun to play with someone you know. Thanks for the accompanying man.


You can watch the gameplay video here without commentary:

There are no visits. I've been loving this lately because especially the lobbies with prismatic augments have been crazy, my friends. I'd rather have no straw than draw the short straw.

The game gave me a Smeech so I can play Chem-Baron and my favorite augment to play this composition is Tiniest Titan. It allows you to regenerate 2 HP every turn. On average in a 10-loss streak you get 20 hp, which is great.

In the early game I went on a 5-loss streak which is exactly what I wanted and I only lost 18 HP in the process. 28 actually but I got 10 back thanks to the augment. I managed to activate 4 Chem-Barons.

For the 2nd augment I chose Raining Gold+ which allows you to get 18 gold and 1 gold per turn. When playing this composition I deliberately don't choose a fighting augment otherwise I might win. All I need is to keep losing calmly.

And I did it! 10 loss streak. But I need more because I couldn't find a Chem-Baron emblem or a Silco or Sevika. Some of the losses hurt a bit. Let's see if we can make a comeback.

I chose Blazing Soul II as the last augment. I need to get smaller losses now or I will have to cash out 500 stacks lol. This augment gives your champion with the highest attack speed 45 Ability Power and 35% attack speed at the start of combat. Every 3 seconds it triggers on another friendly champion.

Unfortunately I won a fight by accident, I don't know how my opponent is still so weak at this stage of the game but there's nothing I can do. From now on I will have to try to win my way forward. Thanks to the 6 Chem-Barons I will gain 25 stacks for every fight I win.

I faced @dangab and defeated him too. Golden Egg augment can surprise people a bit. It's actually a very powerful augment but you have to keep winning to get its reward, which is not easy to do without using a prismatic augment.

Getting 20 mana for slaughtering opponents is not a bad option for Silco. No need to spend extra gold, I'll take it!

Unfortunately something terrible happened and I played @dangab again when I was very strong. I beat him and unfortunately eliminated him. I'm very sorry about that mate, I wouldn't have minded being beaten here...

I reached 600 Stack and now it's game on for me! This reward gives me 2 flawless items and 2 stars Sevika and 2 stars Silco. I don't know how to explain the power of the perfect items, they probably have the power of 2 radiant items. Maybe even more powerful. So having 2 of them is a guaranteed win!

For example, Perfected Flesh Ripper makes a champion untargetable for a short time when they are down to 40% health. It restores 100% of his maximum health and allows him to gain 60% attack power and 25% absolute exploit. On top of that, when a champion is slain, he can be resurrected at 100% health! This is beyond insane.

The Perfected Virulent Virus I gave to Silco deals 35% of the damage dealt by the champion's ability as true damage in 3 seconds. It deals 15% less damage to the enemies it damages, and pay attention here, the champions it kills will switch to your side and fight on your side for 8 seconds. Like a witch, you're pulling them to your side! This should be impossible.

This family composition made me suffer a lot, but now it's my turn! She couldn't even cut a unit from my board. Moreover, at one point in the fight his 4 star Draven was fighting for me XD

The last moments of the game were crazy. I'm not satisfied with just 3 stars for Silco. I almost got a 3 star Mordekaiser. I only needed 1 but unfortunately I couldn't find it. Still, it was an extremely enjoyable game. Silco 3 stars did 21500 damage!

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to share your thoughts with me in the comments. Take care and have a great day! Play some games :P

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