Hello gamersss, I hope you are well and everything is fine. Today I'm going to share with you one of the fun games I play. I made a slight difference in the cover photo, Youtubers usually use this kind of covers, I hope you like it.
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You can watch gameplay video here:
Mel visited us in this game and told us that he will give us a powerful loot when we drop below 40 lives. It's important to follow this because sometimes it gives you a Spatula and that means you can make an emblem.
I don't like Prismatic augments as the first augment, usually you choose an emblem and you choose a composition to play or you choose an augment to level up. I don't think these augments are strong enough because when you reach level 9 or 10, there is no late game composition that is strong enough. So I chose the Radiant Relics augment and from there I chose the Blue Blessing, the radiant blue buff.
I thought I had a great start to the early game because I had 2 star Renata Glasc and Sentinels. I beat most of my opponents but in the 5th fight I faced 4 Automatons and 2 star Nocturne lol. Sometimes the game doesn't want you to have a winning streak.
Item Collector is a good augment despite being nerfed. Your champions gain 10 HP and your units gain 2 HP, 1 ability power and 1 attack damage for each different item they have. I plan to make all items different lol so it's a good choice.
What did I tell you, sometimes the game doesn't want you to go on a winning streak. After winning 4 fights in the mid game I was matched with a very strong opponent again in the last fight and lost, which is not a problem at all because my health is very high and my economy is good. I also trust my composition in the late game so I will win.
For the last augment I chose a fighting augment, Bronze For Life augment, which gives you 3.5% damage increase and 1% durability for every bronze threshold you have. Once this composition is completed, I will have enough bronze thresholds.
I love this anomaly, it's the best anomaly for Heimerdinger. He gains 20 mana for slaughtering opponents. Heimerdinger can use infinite ultimate with this augment. You will see how powerful it is in a moment.
When he kills an opponent, he can ult again, and as you know, Heimerdinger's ability gets stronger each time. The only problem for now is that I can't find any Corki because Corki is the 2nd carrier of this composition.
I found a Corki, but for now I think it won't make me too strong, so I will put it on the board at level 9. This composition is completed at level 9 anyway. I will have 6 Sentinel, 3 Academy, 3 Rebel, 2 Artillerist, 2 Scrap, 2 Visionary and 1 Junker King.
Heimerdinger is crazy! I can say that he single-handedly wins me fights. Of course, Ezreal also fulfills his role as a temporary carrier. But Heimerdinger is extremely fun to watch. Especially when he kills champions one by one from the front lines of the opponent and throws his ultimate nonstop.
I've reached level 9 and I've completed my composition. The only thing I'm missing is the 2 star Rumble and that's not something that's going to happen right away. Maybe I can finish this game with a 3 star Heimerdinger?
This opponent was playing a Dominator composition, but guess who got dominated? Now Rumble is also a sidecar, he does not do bad damage and he is a tank.
The Conqueror composition is really strong when played with tempo. This opponent had Warwick the Conqueror and almost beat me, luckily Corki came to Heimerdinger's aid in this fight and I won.
This is the Automaton composition that beat me at the start of the game. However, he couldn't find an emblem, so he has no chance against me in the late game. Moreover, its main bearer Kogmaw is still 2 stars.
When my last opponent realized he had no chance against me, he surrendered and I finished 1st. Was it easy? Not really. But it was really fun.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to share your thoughts with me in the comments. I'm especially curious what you think about my new cover photo. Take care and have a great day.
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