
Coping with College Stress

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2 min read


Hello, my dear Hivers!

I would like to share with you a brief story.

Back in High School

When I was in High School, I wasn’t really the type to hang out with friends and eat outside, especially at fast food places. I wasn’t fond of joining groups or spending time like that. I preferred to keep to myself most of the time.

Now in College

But now that I’m in college, things have changed. With all the exhausting schoolwork and the added pressure of being on duty, I’ve learned to find ways to manage my stress. One way I cope is by treating myself to delicious food. This has become a small but meaningful way to relax and recharge.

A Night Out After Class

One evening, after our late-night class that ended at 8 PM, my friends and I decided to eat out together. We were all tired and hungry, so one of my friends casually said, “I’m starving,” and another agreed, “Me too. It’s so draining to finish class this late.” That sparked a conversation, and someone asked, “Where should we eat?”

After a quick discussion, we all agreed to head to McDonald's. It was the perfect choice because they have unlimited gravy, their chicken servings are big, and the food is served hot—just what we needed after a long day.

The Crispy King Rice Stop

After class, one of my classmates asked if they could stop by Crispy King to buy two servings of rice. It’s just a short walk from our school, and they explained that buying rice there is cheaper than getting extra rice at McDonald’s. We all waited for them, and a few others decided to bring their own rice as well.

At McDonald's


Once we had everything, we finally made our way to McDonald’s. When we arrived, it wasn’t crowded since it was already late in the evening. We combined our orders to make things easier, and soon enough, we were enjoying our meal together.

Capturing the Moment


After having dinner, we took pictures together. We even debated over who would hold the phone first, but eventually, one of my female friends volunteered. She really loves taking selfies and pictures.


Here, we took pictures of the three of us because the others had already gone home since their places were far, and they had to catch the bus before the last trip ended. So, here are some of our shots.

Selfie Time




And of course, not to be left out, I also took some selfies myself.

And that’s it, my dear Hivers! Thank you for reading!