
World War Z: Sin City Apocalypse - Gambling With Zombies

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It's been a while since I played World War Z. Me and @emuse used to play it a lot when we first bought it and she's still going strong, closing in on 900 hours spent in the game. I personally need a change of scenery in games every now and then but it's fun to dive back into games when it's been a long time since last I played. This time the occasion being the release of the new Sin City Apocalypse DLC.


What is Sin City Apocalypse?

Sin City Apocalypse is a recently released DLC for World War Z. It introduces a new story chapter that has three new missions in it, alongside a set of new characters and one new weapon. There's also a few new cosmetics which I personally take zero interest in. It follows the classic DLC formula for World War Z in that sense.

This DLC takes us to Las Vegas. That's one cool thing about World War Z is that it takes you to different locations all over the world. Since we're now in Las Vegas you can probably guess that there's a bit of a casino theme to it all. It's also cool that it recreates real world location. @emuse was able to see buildings and locations that she visited when she was in Vegas which is really fun.


Personal thoughts

I had fun playing through the new missions, but they were not enough to grip me back into the game. Even though the locations are new the gameplay is all the same as it's been before. It's fun but with so many other games out there my interest falls elsewhere.

I wish these DLCs added something more to the game instead of just new maps and a gun. The new characters I mentioned are just cosmetic and give off personalized dialogue for the new missions. They don't have special skills or abilities to really make then unique. It would be cool if they added new zombie types or other hazards to change up the gameplay loop a little bit.


I'll probably return to the game whenever @emuse asks me to as it's a lot of fun to play games with her, but I don't see myself loading up World War Z to play it alone. Not unless they add something that really changes up the whole gameplay loop that will make the game feel fresh. Not just from new scenery to run through.

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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