
The value of a short post

avatar of @vempromundo
3 min read

Every user when starting sees very well-crafted posts with very high rewards and thinks "ok, I need to bring some quality content to the platform and I will be well rewarded".

But it is in fact at least a job, making a post with 'minimum requirements' that in the eyes of the curators will receive a good reward.

There are some basic points to talk about, such as:

  • Grammar

Nobody wants a text that is impossible for you to read. And when I say impossible, it's that adjective, because if it's still confused or complicated to read, people understand that it's due to the fact that many people don't have English as their native language and choose to write it anyway to reach a larger audience. . So if you do the basics in the text to make yourself understood, the curators will take your effort into account.

  • Image

Some users use more, others use less, but it is a fact that at least one image is required for posting. At least to be the one that will be thumbnailed. Often an image is an important point for the person to decide whether or not to enter to see your publication.

  • Title

The title is an important part as much as the image, as it will define whether or not your reader wants to open up to read about the subject you have to cover. I don't believe there is a rule about whether the title should be big, short, flashy or succinct, but it is a fact that it should at least deliver what will be proposed in the publication.

When you try to align at least these 3 points, your text starts to gain a body and draw some attention to readers. Of course there are other factors as well like separating your text into topics or tables, in part 1, 2, 3. There are several ways to make your text dynamic, the ones I mentioned above are just basic patterns without going into depth.

But let's go to what the title proposed to debate: What is the value of a short post?

Many users who have not yet arrived at HIVE are users of instant social networks like Twitter, or Instagram Stories consumers, or even Facebook commentators. And I believe there is a big chance here for a role for them.

It is a fact that a publication with an image and a line will not be the publication that will receive more rewards and be among the top of the Trending tab, but I believe that it still deserves some reward.

I love spending some time on Twitter going down the timeline and giving some ReTweets on posts that I found funny, and a lot of times these are posts that I don't even take 10 seconds to read. But I hit the RT button because I feel it's something that has a certain value, even if momentarily and entertaining.

And then I wonder if this audience has space both here in the Hive and in any other tribe (which may not yet exist and be made in the future for this audience, who knows), or if it's an audience that will never go here ( at least not with this content), in view of the minimum density of subject to have minimally rewarding rewards (sorry for the redundancy).

Even though every penny is more than 0 cents (which is what they make producing content on mainstream platforms).

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